Thursday, October 22, 2009

Nobody said this was going to be easy.

It is with a heavy heart that we send you this most recent update...
As this is being written, four of our travelling companions are waiting at the airport to go back to California. I know it´s been a long time since this was last updated so let me go back a little bit.
After we left Oaxaca city we travelled south to reach the ocean again, this time the Pacific. Through a series of coincidences we came to rest in an incredibly small town called San Augustinillo. This town has approximately 2-300 residents and abutts a little cove. The weather is fantastic, the ocean is warm and the surfing is perfect (just ask our new surfer friends). The first place we parked our RV here happened to be the only place it would ever need to be. We pulled up next to an empty summer resort and have had the good fortune to stay there, making use of whatever amenities were available: hammocks, lounge chairs, thatched palapas... We had expected to stay here only a few days but that has turned into almost three weeks, and likely will be slightly over three weeks by the time we leave. (Feel free at this point to curse the inadequacy of the United States Postal Service, we sure are).
About a week ago the owner of the resort came back to make repairs before high tourism season begins again. He is a really great guy and befriended us immediately. We pitched in with the repairs and he's bought both food and coffee for us in exchange for our labor. Ultimately though, we hit a snag.
You all know we've been waiting for money, and it still hasn't come (well, actually it was lost in the mail... again cursing USPS). We have been surviving hand to mouth since we got here, exchanging our extra clothes and jewelry for food and water. The dogs however are allegic to things like corn and poultry so we were still compelled to buy their food. Even with our best efforts their health drastically declined. Ladainian lost 20% of his body weight and Isabelle got an infection from the ticks in the sand. Because Liz is a loving and faithful pet owner, she made the incredibly difficult decision to put her own desires aside and take the dogs back to the States where they can fatten up again and get proper pest control. She and Jahsiah left with the dogs this morning.
So now we are two. Tracey and J (in Mexico Lupita and Jack) will bravely forge onward. We have reached the decision that we will sell Rollando. He was great for four people and two dogs but extremely excessive for just the two of us... and talk about the cost of gas! So, we're backpacking and taking busses the rest of the way, taking time to see all the sights in the Yucatan and beyond. We are still being safe and all, so we ask that you not worry excessively for us. We will be in Costa Rica later rather than sooner, but we will still be there. Probably in time for New Years... anybody want to join us there?
Time is money on the internet here, so we gotta run, but the updates will comtinue. We can still eat even without money because the locals all know us after three weeks and a couple restaurants and the internet cafe have graciously let us open a tab to be repaid whenever we get that money. Love to everyone out there in cyberspace.
Just the two of us (kinda like that Will Smith song)
Lupita & Jack

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sort of like Berkeley, if Berkeley were in San Bernardino

We are here in Oaxaca, appropriately because it is the hot spot for young activists, vegetarians, and anyone looking for a good time in Southern Mexico. We have left the cloud forests of the North and we are in the middle of a vast expanse of desert that has lasted for most of the last two days of our travels. There was a brief respite last night when we made camp in a hilly region of Oaxaca the state but by the time we made it to the city of the same name the desert crept back slowly until we are smothered by it´s oppressive heat. It isn´t that bad though... at least one of us is still wearing jeans (typical Americans!)
There really isn´t much more to update everyone on as we have merely been slowly meandering our way South through Mexico. We stopped in several cities along the way: Huejutla de Reyes (smelled bad and looked worse), and Molango (quaint mountain town with a lake), and Tamachupan (we had an abandoned adventure park to ourselves for the whole night!) but we are making our way towards the border in earnest. We won´t leave Mexico for a while yet, close as we are to Guatemala, but we have located a few more places we´d like to see before we depart. Next on our list (likely tonight) is a town near Puerto Angel on the Southern Pacific coast. The town has only 700 residents so it is likely that we´re gonna make a big splash once we get there.
We´d like to thank everyone who has sent us help and well wishes, it really goes a long way for us out here... having the times of our lives :)
Much love,
The Indebted Desert Dwellers

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Xilitla, La Perla de Huasteca

Well, here we are, in a sleepy, wet little mountain town were the coffee is rich and the internet moves as slow as the pace of life. And that's pretty slow folks. We spent the past few days, camping in a park in Ciudad Valles after a nice little jaunt to a river outside of a town called El Sauz. It was nice to get wet without getting sandy, but let's not forget about the mud. Mud down here is unlike anything you think you know about mud in the states. It is indestructable, sticking to everyting it can. But all natural disasters aside, we are enjoying ourselves.

A very special thank you is in order to my parents, Laurel and Greg Moore, yes this is Liz writing, who saved our lives when we realized, due some errors in matematics, that we had only $2 left in our account. Mexico may be cheap in some regards but $2 still aint shit. We were able to get groceries, use the internet, and breath a little sigh of relief as we continue to do what we do best, wait. We will be chilling in this little town, pop. 8,000 for the next few days, hopefully the retirement will be here this thursday and then its south and fast. Rolando is leaking like a mother when we sleep and the rain doesnt stop so we need to get there before the back end rots away. Its not that bad though, all things considered. We are still in Mexico after all. Looking forward to that sunshine and that beach in Manzanillo though, thats for sure.

Also, a preemptive thanks to Flo, Tracey's dear friend, who not only cooked us an amazing going away dinner so long ago in West Oakland, but is genorously donating to the cause tomorrow. Thank you to everyone who has helped us, we never would have made it this far without you. Well were off to enjoy some more of the delicious coffee this area is known for. Yes, you should be jealous.

The 6 wet waiters

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Life's A Beach

Hey everyone!

We made it across the border!!
We crossed over in Texas at the Lerado crossing. Everything went very smooth. They didn't ask for the title or for papers for the dogs. It was a little frusturating but better safe then sorry. We spent the first night in a small town Santiago. It was really beautiful and the people were really friendly. The next day we headed south till we arrived in Tampico. A wonderful beach town. We have spent most of our time here enjoying ourselves in the ocean.

So far it seems as though everyone is getting a kick out of 4 giants driving in around in a RV, you dont see many of those in these parts. Not to mention we have two dogs in it and walk them on leashes, also a rare occurence. We are all feeling relieved to be back by the water, being away from the bay for so long and not being able to replace it with another large body of water was killing us. Although we love our time in Albuquerque and we want to thank Ryan, Rachel, Lara, and Shermin for letting us live at their house for a month! We would have been so screwed if you hadn't helped us out like that. We really appreciate it. People everywhere on this trip have been so good to us and its just wonderful. We are all proud of ourselves for making it this far and the next part is going to be just as exciting.

We are going to camping out in Tampico or a neighboring mountain town for the next two weeks until the rest of the money we are waiting for arrives, the ellusive retirement money. in the mean time, we are broke, streaching our last couple hundred dollars as far as we can, eating any food items we still have left in the rv and passing the time in the gulf, its not such a bad life after all. but for those of you who didnt get around to mailing those care packages that I'm sure are just almost ready to go, don't worry, you can still send monetary support to our surrogate mother Elizabeth Chiment in the form of checks made out to Tracey Saldivar. Her address is 3813 La Colina Rd, El Sobrante, CA 94803. She is handling all our finances so feel free to just redirect those gifts to her house, she'll take care of the rest.

Well, our time is almost up at the internet cafe so we shall say hasta luego. Well update again before we leave town so keep checking, and maybe even some new picture soon! Thanks for the love and support,
The 6 Beach Bums

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I Thought Costa Rica was South of here...

Well, we find ourselves in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Not a pre-planned destination but here we are. After calling the DMV from Albuquerque, we have learned that our title is still not processed and we have more time to wait. So we took a side trip up to Colorado with Ryan, Tracey's brother, and his girlfriend Rachel. We got to stop in and visit J's Grandma and Grandpa that happen to live in the same town as Rachel's family so that was a nice surprise. We're heading back down to Albuquerque with a stop at some hot springs along the way, which will be a wonderful treat. Being out of the desert, even just for the weekend, makes us all realize how much we miss the weather of the Bay Area.

Not sure how we will be passing the time while we wait, maybe we'll just have to throw another benefit! Our first one went quite well considering we had one week to throw it together. We had local jewelry makers bring their goods, we sold a few articles of clothing that we had made (you can check out our designs online as soon as we get pictures taken and posted!), and we sold some food that was donated for the event by a local sandwich shop in town, Chebba Hut. All in all, it was a great day. We had somewhat of a private performance by a soon to be legendary band, Sector 5. Look for the video on youtube (as soon as we find a way to post it).

Sadly, we had another big event take place recently. Lindsey went back to the bay. We said our goodbyes in Albuquerque and she took off for home. She made it back safely and we were all relieved and happy to hear that. We wish her well on her next journey, and we are sad that she is not coming with us on this one. But if you're in the bay and you didn't know she was back, call Evan, she's there!

We celebrated Jahsiah's and Tracey's birthdays this past week. If anyone has any belated birthday messages or gifts, you can always mail a check (made out to Tracey Saldivar) care of Ryan Saldivar to our home away from home and Costa Rica, 1400 Princeton St. SE Albuquerque, NM, 87106. As we are stranded for even longer than anyone could have predicted, if you had at some point considered sending a care package to us wayward travelers, I might suggest now as a good time, a measure to keep morale high. Just a thought.

Well, we are off to the Garden of Gods, I believe, and then back down south, but not far enough I'm afraid.

Love to you all and until next time,
The 6 Delayed Delinquents

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Benefit for our Benifit

So we have been stuck in Albuquerque, waiting for the title. Spending more money then we had budgeted for the states, we decided to throw a benefit. Chuparosa a benefit to benefit ourselves. We are throwing it at the local Peace & Justice center. We have made flyers and as I write we have our street team handing them out all over campus.
We are gathering local musicians and artist to perform and display at our event. For one week we've done an amazing amount of work. We are all quite amazed at what we have put together in this time. Anyway... we got our fingers crossed while we plan, sew, and paint.

For those of you who would like to see pictures there is a link below...

Much love to you all,
The 5 hard working concert promoters

PS Jahsiah's birthday is next Wednesday and Tracey's is the following Saturday

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Getting Dirty in Albuquerque

So we have arrived in Albuquerque. We are staying at Tracey's brother Ryan's house. We got in late the night before last. We kicked back and decorated our beloved Rollando. We are gonna hang out here for a few days until our title comes. The weather is hot. It is nice at night. The puppy dogs are having a blast. Anyway... all is good.

we are gonna head to Carlsbad Caverns after our stay here. Then we are gonna head to Brownsville, Texas.

We'll try and keep you all posted.

Much Love,
the 7 well prepared pioneers

PS please pass along the blog to loved ones. A lot of people have been asking around and don't have the web address.

PPS We have been keeping our phone off. It is now just for Emergency outgoing calls. If you would like to contact us please do so via email.